One stop solution

- Digital patient- and commercial administration
- Diagnostic catalog, subdivided according to treatment fields
- Fee directory according to German GebüH85 with billing hints
- Individual patient bills
- Monthly overviews, lists etc.
- Net income bookkeeping including chart of accounts
- Accounting according to German standards (GoBD)
- Management of unpaid bills
- Statistics: sales, treatments, patients, etc.
- Practice forms including your logo, address etc.
Fully integrated system
Linked patient and practice administration: all treatments are billed from the system and are automatically recorded in an accounting system. Details important for the tax are clearly arranged and remain available for 10 years.

Simple design, simple to use
Leave the complex things of the software. Digiprax is designed to be as simple as possible in everyday practice. No long software training and no monthly updates needed. No cumbersome menu navigation: You will find the relevant functions clearly arranged and activated with a mouse click.